Bikram Yoga Lake County First Timers

What To Expect



Bikram Yoga is for everyone.  Simply attend class, attempt every posture to the best of your ability and you will receive 100% benefit.

The postures are challenging: you may feel nervous, scared or a little intimidated, most people do.  Bikram designed this series for beginners, so with a little practice and experience, you’ll feel right at home.

 Always work to your edge, but listen to your body. If you feel it’s necessary, sit down.  It’s normal to feel dizzy, nauseous or lightheaded at first. These sensations are temporary and will subside as your body acclimates and detoxifies.

Remember, we’ve all had our very first Bikram Yoga class.

Never too late, never too old, never too bad, and never too sick to do this yoga and start from scratch again.” — Bikram Choudhury.



Do’s & Dont’s



Drink plenty of water throughout the day so you’re well hydrated before coming to class. Proper hydration supports the healthy functioning of your body’s systems, and allows the heat to enhance rather than overwhelm.

Don’t eat anything heavy 3 hours prior to class.

Arrive 15 – 20 minutes early for your first class, allowing time for registration and orientation. 

Dress in cool, comfortable clothes, like you’re going to the beach. No long sleeves or pants please.

If you take your second class within 24 hours you receive maximum benefit for your effort. Also, you will avoid possible soreness you might feel if you wait two or three days between your first and second class.